My Design Process

“Like all forms of design, visual design is about problem-solving, not about personal preference or unsupported opinion.” — Bob Baxley


My Principles

Understanding the user and their needs


Simple and focused design! Keep the design simple and focused on the core issues to make sure that I'm solving the right problems.


Inclusive design leads to better overall experience and a better product for everyone. Almost all of us experience some kind of permanent or temporary disablity, it's important for me to create accessible designs that lead to an ideal experience for everyone.


Humans are visual creatures! Whilest my focus is always on the experience, I always like to create visually appealing designs and hifi prototypes that are as read-to-ship as possible.


through out the entirety of the design process, I have the users and their needs in mind. Whatever it is I create, solving a problem for a user is the core of the design therefor a user-centered design process is a must for me.


My Design Process

Every project is different and the process varies from project to project but these are the usual steps I like to take to understand a problem and create a solution for it.


1- Discover

First step for me is start collecting as much information as possible and fully understand the issue, the users and the market. I do this by researching the market, competitors and interviewing the users.

2- Define

Second step is to sympathize and define the users needs and expectations, the core and surrounding issues and business needs. I do this by identifying pain points, user journeys, story boards and personas.

3- Ideate

At this point I've a clear idea about what the issues are, so I start ideating around how to solve these issues. If possible, I will involve the users with interviews or workshops to confirm or dispel my hypothesis and ideas.

4- Prototype

Once I've confirmed my hypothesis on how to solve an issue, I start prototyping. I usually create hifi-prototypes and test them along the way and make quick adjustments before conducting usebility tests.

5- Test

I like to observe and understand the behavior and emotions of the users whilest testing a prototype. I prefer quality over quantity as it gives me a better understanding of the users experience. Thats why Usability Tests is the to go to for me when it comes to testing. I also conduct interviews after a test.

6- Itterate

After testing, I gather all findings and start prioritizing and implementing necessary changes before I test again and keep itterating until the users, I and the customer are happy with the results.