This was a freelance project which I worked on part-time for two weeks.
I was given free rein to design a new website for The duration of the project was a bit short considering this was done as a part-time project but I'm happy with the end produkt. Next step is SEO and analyzing the site traffic.
I started the project with research to understand the market and it's needs but due to being short of time, I only conducted a competitor analysis and an interview with Jemva themselves to sympithaze with their customers.
After the research, I started sketching a new design on Figma and once that was done, I rebranded and emplemented the new design using Idealy, I would've interviewed actual and potential customers to map their expectations and needs. I would've also tested the Figma sketch before implementing it.
New colours, new me!
While sketching, I realized that Jemva's colors didn't communicate the emotions and messages that created confidence in their customers. I rebranded with new colors that communicated knowledge, stability, confidence and enthusiasm.
I also created a new logo with the help of a digital creator, Eric Andersson. Jemva's old logo didn't scale well and had low readablity.
It's important to communicate the right messages with the right colors.
The new logo design is easy to read and scales well.
From sketch to a brand new website.
I used the AIDA model for the sketch. Capture the visitors attention, create interest and desire and encourage the visitor to take action. Wix, as a platform, is a little limited so I had to try and recreate the sketch as much as possible. The end product turned out better than the sketch.
AIDA model sketch.
Easy to understand "What we do".
Create a desire for the product.
Created new assets for Jemva.